Do you love becoming a mommy?

Discussion in 'Main Mommy Forum' started by Beverly, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Beverly

    Beverly New Member

    I'm so happy with my decision to become a mommy and it was no mistake or accident as I'd always wanted to be a mother. Of course, the timing of my pregnancy was out of my hands. However, I am so happy to be a mom. I always looked forward to this part of my life and enjoying every minute now that my daughter is here. What about you?
  2. Gracie Brooks

    Gracie Brooks New Member

    Many many congratulations!!!
    Its great to know that you are having a daughter. Getting your baby in your hands is world's most amazing feeling. I don't have yet but I enjoyed this moment when I had my sister's baby in my hands. Good luck for your future.
  3. RES

    RES Member

    I am so proud of you. Being mother is really rewarding. Being a mother and a wife is the essence of a woman. I happy for you that you have your child now. Of course, I am also happy with my kid at home hugging me when I arrive from work. It makes my day filled with joy.
  4. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    First of all congratulations dear. You have achieve a goal that we all here share. This deserves a huge celebration for you. I am really glad to know that somebody made it... it is post like this that fill you with determination. At least for me, I can think again that there is a way out. THank you for sharing this. As per your question, well obviously. I have always dreamed of being a mother, ofr playin with my kids, and all that. At this point and time of my life it seems that it will only remain a dream. I try to remain optimistic but... There are certain days you know where you cannot hope. It's just impossible to see myself achieving this dream... Okay, before I start whining, congratulations once again dear, you deserve to be happy! God bless you and your loved ones.
  5. Lucy_Hale

    Lucy_Hale New Member

    Who doesn't love being a mommy!? Those tiny little feet crawling up to you and calling you mommy, that's just heaven! I always dreamt to be a mother and now being one just gives me a tremendous amount of happiness and joy! I had my twin children through DE procedure. Struggling through infertility wasn't easy but now having won over all those problems and after those tedious procedures, when I see my children looking at me with love, all the pain is gone! My children are my everything! Thye have brought joy to my family and I cannot thank God enough of giving me this opportunity to be a mother! So, Yes, I love being a mommy! And I am happy for you too, dear! Every women deserves to be a mother x
  6. Ssuezy

    Ssuezy Member

    Congratulations! May your daughter grow happy and healthy. I would love to become a mommy. I am currently undergoing IVF. It is much of a struggle but if it helps me get to motherhood then I will take the ride. Sounds like you had not planned the pregnancy. I love that you took it positively and decided to have the baby. You are and will continue being an excellent mother.

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