Too much radiations tampered with ovulation

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by del, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. del

    del New Member

    I am in dire need of medical assistance. I have tried to escape the menace of infertility but I haven’t managed. I went for thorough checkups and diagnosis but nothing could bring back my fertility back. I avoided all types of x-ray radiations. These radiations when used frequently, could cause the ovulation not to occur. To maintain by nutrition right, I made sure that everything I took was well balanced. So, I had to evade all the mannerisms of ovulation failure. I also had a timetable for my regular exercises and avoided an excess of it which could hinder ovulation. Little did I know there was something happening in my ovaries. As usual, when I started experiencing my periods, it was normal and I never had any problems. But when I grew up with time, I started experiencing pain in my lower abdomen, especially during my monthly periods. On further examination, it was diagnosed as a unruptured follicle syndrome. It was a condition that even the doctors were unable to treat. In my family tree, I heard that it happened before so it was very hard to evade it. It didn’t happen to every girl but only to some people in the family. It was very genetic. After all that my ovaries were cut off and am now looking for a cheaper alternative for conception.
  2. eng

    eng New Member

    I am so moved and overwhelmed with what you went through. I also do understand the pain of not getting a kid. Even though you failed to ovulate on time, there is a remedy for that. Many people suffer silently and never speak up the way you have done. That’s thumbs up. Are you aware of BioTex clinic? It is a clinic where you will get results form a very professional group of doctors. The whole process is cost friendly and you will go home with a baby. The clinic staff are very hospitable and you will undergo a legalized process with a guaranteed success rate of 100%.
  3. tom1

    tom1 New Member

    I am so glad for the insight eng. Even myself I have been going through turbulent times in search of fertility treatment. But one thing that motivates me most is the ability to get a kid of my own. I have learnt through the readings in this forum that Ukrainian clinics are the best. Through my colleagues directive, I have been able to visit these clinics and I can tell you I can't disagree with you. I was given the right fertility treatment and I can comfortably vouch for them. Despite the ups and downs that I have undergone in life, I can now smile. I had to undergo IVF and it worked well with me. You are not wrong eng about BioTex clinic.
  4. mikewangari

    mikewangari New Member

    The encouragement I am getting on this forum is so awesome. I have went through ups and downs too but I never lost hope at all. It is through a forum such as this that one can get an insight to some problems that we women do face sometimes. In this forum I was reffered to Ukrainian clinics and I was so happy about it. I never hesitated and in a rush, I went there to seek for the best medical procedure. It dawned on me when all went as I had expected. I don't regret at all. After such a long struggle, BioTex clinic resurciated my ability to get a baby and I am now a very happy mum.

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