The painful dose of my infertility

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by mge, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. Dorry776

    Dorry776 New Member

    Hello there. Firstly, I would advise everyone including you and whoever is reading my comment that drugs are never the answer to our problems. They provide a temporary satisfaction which is of no use later and causes more problems than we already have. I think that you got your lesson and must have stopped doing drugs by now. I'm not trying to be Harsh on you but this is the truth and sometimes the truth can be very ugly. I just want you to have a good life. Secondly, I totally get what you are talking about. I have been infertile for many years and believe me I have spent more money than anyone else on useless treatments and I have only faced failures. Try not to listen to everything that people tell you because sometimes all they think about is making money and send people to expensive places for expensive procedures in return for heavy commissions. Try to search more on different forums and I am very sure that you will find out about reliable clinics very soon. Do not trust every local clinic. I heard about a clinic in Ukraine and people are quite impressed by it's by its service. Do try to look up for it and I think you will find the solution to your problem.
  2. Aimen

    Aimen New Member

    This is true every one who is infertile has to face these kind of situations in life. People and some doctors used to play with the emotions. And this treatment is costly with no success guarantee I din't know why people don't choose the surrogacy or IVF process to get rid of infertility. I am sure you can get better results and can make a baby easily. I suggest to all the people who are facing infertility problem should visit better clinics for surrogacy. By visiting the clinics you will came to know more about surrogacy. How useful it is and it is very safe process.
  3. Lia

    Lia New Member

    I am feeling very bad you are facing all these situations. I can understand how it hard to manage this kind of situations. But don’t get disappointed in these hard times.Nothing is impossible in the this-this world. There is a number of clinics that are providing the reproductive treatments to treat infertility.It is time to manage the situation strongly. If you cannot conceive you can go for surrogacy. Surrogacy is also the best option for all couples who cannot get pregnant or conceive by itself. For this, you need to search for the clinics that give the guaranteed success of the treatment.You can find the best clinics in US, Russia, or Ukraine. In these countries surrogacy is legal and you can get more details from the internet and contact them for an initial consultation.Before getting any treatment you need to heal your body and take care of yourself properly. For this you can consult with a fertility specialist, they can suggest you in a better way. Take proper and healthy diet. Don’t think about the negative things it attracts more worse thoughts in our mind. So Be positive in every situation. Go for medical treatment and hope you find the desired results. Have a healthy and happy life. Good Luck.
  4. Estella

    Estella Moderator

    Hello dear! I'm really sorry you have to go through such pain. I know that this is really hard to be strong in such situation. I had 6 miscarriages and I completely understand the reason why you chose such method to stop feeling the pain. We have been trying to conceive for 8 years. These years were a nightmare for us. I am very lucky I have supportive husband. But his and mine parents make the situation worse. They can't stop asking when we will give them grandchildren. They can't stop blaming me in inability to have children. They can't stop turning my life into a nightmare. In such situation it is very hard not to give up and stop trying. I've changed so many doctors, so many hospitals. I've tried literally everything to get pregnant and the most important to save the pregnancy. Unfortunately nothing worked for me. We wasted so much money and nerves and got nothing in result. After the pain we went through I'm actually surprised that we still have tiny bit of hope. We are thinking about the surrogacy option. This is our last chance and we want to use it. Dear I wish you all the best! I hope you will find answers to your questions. I wish you to find an option which will help you to become a mother!
  5. Norin

    Norin Moderator

    I'm so sorry about your MCs. I know how it feels. I know how painful it is. I still remember how I felt after mine and that was horrible. My DH and I have gone through a lot during past 8 years. I had 3 MCs and I should say they broke me, my mental and physical health. Each loss was unbearable. I was stressed and depressed all the time. Sometimes I can't believe I survived after going through all that s***. Though our tries to TTC didn't give results, we moved on and we are waiting for our baby to be born via surrogacy. I want to say that there are still options available. So don't give up! Don't let stress to control you and your mind.

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