Teeth whitening

Discussion in 'Health' started by ANCY NEW, Feb 28, 2018.


    ANCY NEW New Member

    Hi, I am in my first trimester. As I am taking mineral and vitamin supplements my teeth seem to be discolored. When I spoke with my friend she suggested a cosmetic dentistry from a clinic in Mississauga. She asked me to do teeth whitening. But I am afraid whether it will harm my kid or not. Then I thought of some DIY method so that I can change my teeth's color. But those steps failed. There was no change after doing those Diy methods. So I am planning to take teeth whitening. Are there any precautions that I should take before undergoing this treatment? I am thinking that I should tell the dentist to reduce the amount of peroxide used while the treatment. Is there any other thing that I should bring to dentist's concern?

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