My infertility jinx

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by k95, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. k95

    k95 New Member

    In the midst of my pregnancy, I couldn’t find the solution to my problem. I was sacred beyond reproach the moment I tried to conceive and never made it. I was laughed off by my friends who never gave me the right counsel to my problem. I tried non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but immediately I took them for a week something strange happened. Miscarriage occurred and left me hopeless. To regain hope again, I went for the over to counter drugs but didn’t help me. This time I didn’t even conceive let alone getting pregnant and undergoing miscarriage. After undergoing some several check-ups, my ovaries had no capability to produce an egg for fertilisation. Many people misled me to the wrong course. This time one colleague advised me to take herbal medicines. I apparently spent a lot of money. The cost of expenditure to recover back my health was too high. I couldn’t afford it and I was relying on well-wishers for donations and handouts. As I speak, I haven’t found the right treatment for my infertility. And once I do, the cost is so overwhelming and couldn’t afford. I am now preferring an egg donation at a place where it is cost friendly. If anyone has an idea of a place do advise me accordingly.
  2. tom1

    tom1 New Member

    I really understand the pain you are undergoing. The pain of lack of a child is very overwhelming than anything else on earth. But once you get the right place for the treatment you will forever be happy. I have ever been at the same level as you but I decided to visit BioTex clinic. I found medical practitioners who are well endowed with skills they adeptly apply in the whole process. The whole process at BioTex is legalized and the success rate is very high. It stands at one hundred percent. With all these modern facilities, it is also cost friendly. So, you should never worry anymore. IVF egg donation at BioTex is done with a guarantee of success.

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