Malfunctioning hypothalamus led to my infertility

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by mikewangari, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. mikewangari

    mikewangari New Member

    Hi! I went to the hospital and I was told my hypothalamus is not functioning. Can it lead to my infertility? In my life, I have experienced ups and downs of treatment. My only option was to prefer x-ray instead of frequent checkups. I never knew I was messing around with my health. Though expensive, I found it more appealing and quite in order since it was not time-consuming. Exposure to these rays and radiations halted my hypothalamus. At that particular time, I was always trying to conceive but I couldn’t make it. I had a lot of ups and down to the moment of taking another course of action. The issue came along form my husband who tirelessly protested and ask for a divorce. I couldn’t harbour his insinuations. Above all, I was determined to use the best way possible as long as I will be able to conceive. We opted for test tube baby but my hubby was against it. When we sat down and rethought about our health, we opted for egg donation. I never knew too well what it is all about but my medic explained to me vividly. In practice, it is too expensive and we were not well up financially. Until now, we are looking for a cheap way for egg donation and still wondering what the right treatment for my hypothalamus is.
  2. tom1

    tom1 New Member

    ypothalamus is a portion of the brain that is responsible for sending signals to the pituitary glands. A stimulus is also sent to the ovaries in the form of follicle stimulating hormone. When hypothalamus fails, immature eggs will be produced. This causes infertility. There is no lost hope as egg donation is done. In some clinics, it might be very expensive. If you are aware of BioTex clinic, Services are offered cheaply. You will regain your parenthood and you will go home with legalized documents plus a child. The whole process will offer you a guarantee of success.

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