lower belly pain

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by adrienne92, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. adrienne92

    adrienne92 New Member


    I need to share this. I have been feeling pain when having sex and pain when I am peeing. What could this be? Is it an infection and should I get worried?
  2. jeannebuck

    jeannebuck New Member

    i think you should go and get checked out , it might be anything from PID to normal pains. if you are bleeding after you had your periods then it might be a serious infection
  3. saurab015

    saurab015 New Member

    One possibility is an infection – several kinds of infections are common in the vagina. You can also get this symptom with something called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
    Another possibility would be something like a fibroid. This is worthwhile having checked.
    Either your GP or a doctor at the local family planning clinic might be able to help you.
    You need a simple vaginal examination plus swabs to be sent to a lab in the first instance. The results will then indicate the treatment.
    If all turns out to be normal then it might be related to the shape and position of your uterus so if you find other positions are more comfortable then you should stick to those.
  4. tom1

    tom1 New Member

    I can concur with saurab015. It might be a pelvic inflammatory disease which is symptomized by the pain from the uterus and cervical cavity. In some cases, the pain can be as a result of yeasts development in the cervix or the development of the fibroids. In my case, I got married two years ago and my husband and I we never enjoyed sex. I was feeling a lot of excruciating pain that I couldn't harbour at all. It only took a very expensive method of reducing the effects of yeasts in my cervical canal. I never had joy and any time I wanted to conceive, it was proving to be a very difficult affair. I never lost hope and I boldened myself for the better. I never took it seriously but later on it damaged my fertilisation and couldn't understand why. So I decided to go for a cost friendly and efficient method for IVF egg donation at BioTex in Ukraine and I never stress myself again.
  5. adrienne92

    adrienne92 New Member

    turned out to be an infection , i have been to the clinic my husband and i have been on medication. i have read thorough your comments and i am now more aware of the risks that i might have placed myself in. i hope for the best , thanks guys

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