infertility from premature ovarian failure

Discussion in 'Pregnant Mommies' started by enm, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. enm

    enm New Member

    What is the solution of infertility from premature ovarian failure? After going through a series of medical procedures, I later realised I could not ovulate. My ovaries were so much exposed to x-rays that they became inactive. Surprised, I decided to go and see the doctor. Everything never worked out as I expected. I was in total stress and never had anything to be happy about. The stress of child failure is more than any pain one can encounter. I felt my heart was not right and my mind was very far from the reality. To me, life was just but a passing shadow. It became hard for me to take the next step of life. Primarily, I found a colleague who advised me to go IVF egg donation. “What is that? “I retorted. In a bit of hesitation, I quickly tried to do more research on egg donation. I couldn’t comprehend where to start. It took my whole self and courage to start roaming and inquiring more about egg donation. In any place I went to, it was so expensive and I couldn’t manage and afford. Until now, I am so much disoriented on where to start. I will be so glad to get true advice. I am so much in need of getting my own kid.
  2. Lisaclark123

    Lisaclark123 New Member

    Hi dear. I know how it feels due to the infertility diseases. I also had gone though such situation and terribly pass the bad phase in my life. Before 2 year, I also feel the same situation and really feel depressed and anxiety due to such condition. But one of my friend help me to go though out it and finally I really feel blessed with the baby girl. Turning the impossible things into possible is not more than miracle. Surely you have passes through the worst situation but it is t he time to move ahead with the new hope and seek for the possibilities in life. I am here to support and help you to work out the condition in a brilliant way. Sometimes due to past infection or abnormality of the hormones affect the physical structure.

    To see the miracle in your life, you can go with the surrogacy treatment which is little expensive but very helpful in conceiving the baby. It is very famous and best treatment which brings the hope in the life of women who were suffering from infertility. Along with this, you can go with the IVF treatment with the excellent service. Maybe due to lack of iron or unhealthy physical structure you are facing this kind of situation. To conceive the beautiful baby, you need first to take care of yourself and eat only the nutrients and high rich iron diets. Surely you will find the best effect in your body within few days and get the desirable result very soon. You can get up early in the morning and go for the walk which not only keep you healthy but also get you rid of depression easily. I hope you would like my suggestion and get the desirable result.
  3. RES

    RES Member

    Hello, enm! I have this practical answer to your question. I know you want to try IVF but you cannot afford it this time. So the best solution for it now is to save money.
  4. shweta

    shweta New Member

    Hi dear. I am happy that you are searching answers in such renowned forum and I am sure you will get better answers. I don't know my FSH numbers, but I know that I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. All of our infertility treatments were futile. We went through 2 cycles of Clomid (pointless), 2 IUIs and 1 IVF. After the IVF, it was obvious that there was a problem and I was officially diagnosed. The doctor said that I simply did not have enough eggs to get pregnant and would need to use a Donor Egg. After much contemplation, we chose t give up the donor egg idea and adopt. 6 months after quitting infertility treatments, we discovered that we were pregnant naturally. When I went into the RE's office, I asked him, "how is this possible with ovarian failure?" he said, "Well, nothing is 100%" Thankfully I got a great team of doctors from Ukraine to my rescue. I hope the information I provided will be helpful to all. Best wishes for all the mothers in future to get a healthy child. Be safe and stay blessed.
  5. RES

    RES Member

    Their service and expertise are proven. Specialists from Ukraine are known in solving fertility issues. I hope many infertile couples could find their way there. So that, their agony will be ended soon.
  6. shannon

    shannon Member

    Hello enm, I hope you got the answer of you question. well there are many ways to cure your fertility. If you have any more questions please let me know about it.
  7. Gracie Brooks

    Gracie Brooks New Member

    Although, IVF is expensive treatment, but many clinics provide packages for embryo transfers and the cost depends upon how fast you conceive means how many embryo transfer you need to conceive. Hope you find it useful.
  8. sonamgupta2107

    sonamgupta2107 New Member

    Hi dear. I was suffering from the same pain as you. My brother suggested me to consult with the doctors from Lotus Center in Ukraine. Trust me their tips worked like magic on me. I will suggest you some processes of treating premature ovarian failure. Treatment of POF depends on the symptoms the woman has and the presence of greater health risks, such as osteoporosis or cardiac diseases provoked by low estrogen levels. The hormone replacement therapy, using pills or estrogens and progesterone patches, is the most used, as it reliefs the menopausal effects and helps fighting bone loss, a feature associated with osteoporosis. For those who choose not to get pregnant, the contraceptive pill can be a solution. Besides, women whose choice is not to undergo hormone therapies can resort to natural medicine with a therapy consisting of plants that regulate hormonal imbalances. Ovodonation is the most successful therapeutical option for women wishing to be on motherhood. I hope the information will help you and the entire woman reading it. Be safe and stay blessed. Happy motherhood to all.

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