Hyperactivity in a three year old

Discussion in 'Toddler Mommies' started by Blue Moon, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Blue Moon

    Blue Moon New Member

    How do I cope with a hyperactive three year old? I don't want her on medication. I would rather a natural remedy for hyperactivity. Is this possible?
  2. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    HYperactivity just like every other psychological aspect is complicated. The fact that you don;'t want your angel on medication shows a lot. you are trying your best to protect them. You are an amazing parent dear. That is amazing. I am sure that your angel appreicates you... If not from now then she will later on. Once our children grow up to have common sense they start aprreciating such things. I don't think there is a natural remedy other than giving form to her "condition"! Maybe try teaching your daughter how to multitask! That will be an amazing life skill and will also keep her busy and entertained. You know there is always a way if there is will. Be open minded tho... IF medication is really needed don't walk away from it. That would be a mistake. God bless you! Hope you find a solution.

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