How can I tackle my depression?

Discussion in 'Health' started by evajon, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. evajon

    evajon New Member

    Hi! I am a depression patient. I've been taking medicines for depression for the past 5 years. I am tired of taking medicines. Recently I stopped taking them. But after that, I am experiencing lethargy, fatigue, and loss of interest. I am short tempered and my pulse rate increases rapidly. I feel numb, sad and worthless most of the time. I have found myself becoming more and more irritable and spending more and more time alone. I am a bit concerned about my condition. How can I tackle my depression? I don't want to take medicines anymore but I need a complete cure for my depression. When I discussed this with my friend, he suggested undergoing depression treatment from Aurora. How is depression treated? Can depression be cured without medication? Please share your views and suggestions. Any advice is highly appreciated. Thank you!
  2. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    Depression isn't easy to deal with... It is actually one of the hardest things to fight back. I am really sorry to hear that such monster has touched your life. I know how it feels because I have been there. When first realized that I won't make children I was super depressed. Like nothing made sense... Seeing how people think that depression works makes me frustrated lately. Like it's not that you are really sad or soemthing like that... It is more of an empty feeling or feeling of emptiness. It's so hard to explain it to someone who hasn't experienced it first hand. Again I am sorry for you my friend. I don't know how you can beat this ... I can tell you my story though... I got rid of depression when I came here to Biotexcom, this clinic treated me well... They thing that was most important though, is that they gave me hope. I started to believe in being a mother again. I hope you can find something like it too... God bless you dear.

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