Help me with some tips and ideas for my garden

Discussion in 'Home Design' started by Ellen256, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Ellen256

    Ellen256 New Member

    Gardening can be a leisure time activity for most of the people. A home with a beautiful garden gives a refreshing outlook and also adds an aesthetic value to that home. Nowadays, people try out different experiments when it comes to creating a garden. For a home with less space, people usually grow plants in a pot, by making an indoor garden or on a patio etc. There are numerous ways for creating a useful garden and mostly the ideas come from gardener's imagination. A garden also contributes to a green and eco-friendly environment.

    No plants then no life. I would like to point out some of the healthy benefits of gardening:

    1) Being in a natural environment provides positivity, reduces stress and increase concentration.

    2) Gardens improve the property resale value.

    3) Harvested food from the garden is fresh and nutritious.

    4) Rain gardens preserve the quality of water and can be an attractive landscaping feature too.

    I live in Canada with my family. I am well passionate about growing an edible garden but doesn’t have enough space. I would like to start the garden works before the next winter. Since I am new in the gardening field I would like to get a lot of suggestions. Are mulches good for the garden soil? I have already contacted one of the garden soil suppliers here. Which type of soil suits the best for my garden? Please help me with some tips and ideas. Thanks for your valuable time.
  2. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    Howdy dear Ellen! How are you doing dear? I hope your having a fantastic day. I sincerely wish that this finds you well! With that aside let me tell you that i feel glad to meet you. Like i really mean it. I love gardening myself. I have the fortunr to live in a big house so i have a juge garden. I grow my own potatoes, tomatoes, beans, corn, strawberry and my fav cucumber. I want to give you a tip... However it doesn't have to do anything with the soil and such. Its more if a space saving way to produce cucumbers. You can sow that on a vase, and put them near a window for dun exposure. When they start to grow tie the branches to a stick. Thus they will continue to grow around the stick and upwards. Its like having a cucumber tree in miniature. Believe me youll love it. As per soil well... Anything that isnt to toxic will do. Wish you all the best dear.

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