Hello Ladz!!!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ninajohn, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. ninajohn

    ninajohn New Member

    Hello Friends!

    I would like to share my success story about IVF. Many women are discouraged from IVF coz of constant failure, but remember anything can happen. Stay strong and keep believing.

    IVF worked for me on our first full cycle--had one cycle canceled right before because I ovulated prematurely. I don't count that one because we never got to egg retrieval. On the cycle that worked, they retrieved 15 eggs, only two fertilized. Transferred those two at 3 days. one of them is now my gestating baby boy. Did rescue ICSI on the unfertilized eggs which resulted in one frozen blast. I had such a good experience with IVF. It's amazing. I did do acupuncture weekly for months before the cycle, and had it done the day of transfer. I don't honestly believe it made a difference but just as a data point. However, consulting biotexcom was the right choice for us as we got what we wanted.

    Thanks and prayers for all of u who are trying IVF!!

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