Four children and counting

Discussion in 'Pregnant Mommies' started by Arlette, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. Arlette

    Arlette New Member

    I never planned to have such a large family, though I have no regrets. My first child was born was I was 23 years old and the twin girls were born ten years later. Two years later, I gave birth to another baby. For many years after my first son was born, I thought that I was infertile as I could not conceive a child. And, then one day it's like a switch flipped on in my body and I became super fertile. Just now, I am two months pregnant with our fifth child. This baby was a real surprise. I thought we were done having children. Though I am very happy. I have missed being a new mommy. I don't know why nature works like this. Maybe it was just time. Though, this time around I'm having more complications with my health than my first pregnancy. I feel very experienced at this pregnancy business and think that things will go well. My husband jokes about us being elderlies by the time the baby gets into college. I hope we are able to keep up.

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