Finding the right place...

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by Fiercequeen, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    Hello everyone. Hope that this finds you all well! I am really glad to share this with you all! I would love to help you with your first steps! I remember when I first wanted to start IVF, it was hard. For me there was no Door where I could knock. NOthing like that. I didn't know what to search for to be honest. I just found out this place and found my clinic here... So I wanted to help you all with that. Here is a link to the webpage of my clinic. Maybe you won't like it or anything. That is completely fine, and you get to do whatever you want to. However if you feel lost or anything. Check it out: ! May god bless you all folks.

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