Children and door safety

Discussion in 'Home Design' started by Ochean, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Ochean

    Ochean New Member

    Hi friends,
    Found an interesting article online on the necessity of having child-proof door locks in the house.
    1. Keeps the children away from danger
    2. Protects Kids from Risky Situations in the Home
    3. Keeps Appliances and Electric Devices Away from Kids
    4. Reduces Chances of Finger Injury
    5. Provides Security
    If the children are safe at home, you will obviously have peace of mind. Try to maintain the door locks by proper cleaning. Once you find it's not properly working, immediately get the help of emergency locksmith service. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered while choosing a childproof lock. Hence, parents must be very careful while choosing the child-proof locks.

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