blessed with a baby girl.

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by del, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. del

    del New Member

    After suffering fertility issues for a greater part of my life, I have always been in pursuit to give guidance and counsel to the affected ones. Though it is a hard task to achieve, I never failed to bring someone to life of happiness. Getting a child after a long struggle does not only give one hope, but it also encourages someone to put a smile on another person’s face. Having seen my friend struggle to get a baby and failing in equal measure, I didn’t like what I saw in her face. Teary eyes and gloomy face was all evident in her face. Trying to visit the different hospitals around the only hope that we could have is the prescription of gonadotropins. When injected into the body, it helps the development of multiple eggs in readiness for fertilization. Different tests were done and it showed there was slow and low ovulation that was happening. This worsened the matters as however much she tried to conceive, it was hard. Life became too unbearable and we had to think over and over again. The only way out was to go for IVF. We couldn’t understand how we could afford such an expensive procedure. My friend was so frightened that her future would come to a halt. But later on, we bumped into another colleague who directed as to Ukrainian clinics. As she put it, these clinics were endowed with quality staff who diligently knew their work. The first clinic to visit was BioTex clinic. No one would believe the reception that was accorded to us. I had to sit down in awe and surprise with the hospitality. That is what gave us the confidence to stick to the clinic. And after further enquiries, she underwent a successful IVF. Up to this date, my friend is a happy mum blessed with a baby girl.
  2. RES

    RES Member

    Hello, Del! I really like your advocacy. I hope you keep on inspiring infertile couples to try IVF. Maybe in your experience, they can get courage. You may continue to bring smiles in their lives.
  3. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    Hello there my friend. Your story is one which when you hear you shed tears. Two type of tears that is... Tears of sorrow and ones of happiness. I am sorry for everything that you went through! Also it makes me super happy that you made it at the end. God bless you dear.

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