anyone with de ivf experience?

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by lilllian, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. lilllian

    lilllian New Member

    Hello everyone! I had 6 IVFs with my own eggs. Unfortunately all of them were unsuccessful. All these IVFs we had at the same clinic. So now we are thinking to change it. Also we are going to use donor eggs this time. Unfortunately there is no chance left for me to conceive with my own eggs. They are no longer suitable for conception. I'm so nervous... What if this IVF also fails? I'm losing my mind when I think about this whole situation I'm in. Where to get more money for forthcoming tries? Also I'm worrying because my baby won't look like me. Yes he/she will have my husband’s features, but... This is really hard. I have so many crazy and scary thoughts in my mind. But of course the most important is my baby to be healthy. Is there anyone who underwent IVF with donor eggs? What are your thoughts?
  2. DemmiMommy

    DemmiMommy New Member

    I'm sorry about your ivf failures. Forget about all those "what-ifs"! They are just making you nervous more and think about things which are not helpful at all! It's hard but try your best to think positively. We have 5 children. Two of them, twins, are from donor eggs. They don't look like us. Maybe just a little bit, some features... Though we chose donor who looked like me. But who cares? I don't, my husband either. They are mine. I love them as much as I love other 3 kids of mine. So stop depressing yourself with all those thoughts! The most important is you'll carry your baby, give birth and become a mother! It it's what you want, go for it!
    lilllian likes this.
  3. lilllian

    lilllian New Member

    I hope this step will be the last one and we'll become parents. At the same time, when I think about 6 failed IVFs my mood changes completely... I'll try to follow your advice and think positively no matter what! Thank you for telling me about your experience. This is so amazing you have 5 kids! My congratulations with your successful ttc! You've calmed my nerves down. When I hear talks about babies and what they're look like, what they took after their moms and dads... I'm just like "What about my kid? Will people say that he or she took smth from me?" You're right. This is not the most important in our path. I want to have a healthy baby(or babies, who knows). This is the only thing I should care about. How many IVFs with de did you have before getting pregnant with your twins?
  4. Lia

    Lia New Member

    It's sad that after trying so long you didn't get positive results and 6 unsuccessful attempts. But, switching your clinic is the better choice. Sometime the chosen clinic may be the cause of failed IVF. Before getting any treatment, the clinic must be chosen carefully. IVF with donor eggs is a good option if you can’t conceive with your own eggs. My aunt had undergone IVF with donor eggs from the biotexcom in Ukraine which was successful. She told me that The staff and the doctors were very cooperative and well-experienced there. They had the wide database of donors and surrogate mothers. The cost of the treatment depends upon the package you have taken or in how many attempts you will able to conceive. Some women conceive very fast and some may take time, it depends upon your health. They provide different packages and you can choose accordingly. It is not necessary same things will happen again. Moreover, prepare yourself and take healthy diet to heal your body.Don’t get stressed and take care of yourself properly. Hope you get fruitful results soon like my aunt. Good luck with your future.
  5. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    Well there is a probability that anything will fail... When you say what if IVF fails. That's how life is! Nothing is for sue on this world. You have to have that idea clear on your head. You might fail a few times before you make it. It might take tens of attempts! I don't want to scare you dear... It's just that the truth is like that. We all take risks all the time. Pregnancies, ordinary ones, can go wrong too. They can fail you too... There is no certainty to anything. However if you need more information check this page out: ! They have a lot of info on how IVF works and how much it costs and such.
  6. DemmiMommy

    DemmiMommy New Member

    I know honey. Our ttc wasn't easy as well. Our first try was a complete disaster. There were complications started from 9th week. On 11th week we had a scan which showed that the fetus faded on 7th week. That was a horrible time. I thought that was the end. But we still had 4 more tries. Second ivf cycle failed. And third one gave me my precious boys! So it wasn't simple thing to do. But all that was worth it. Yes, health of your baby is the most important thing! Don't bury yourself in doubts and thoughts which make you sad. Concentrate on your journey and be positive about it!
  7. Krystal

    Krystal New Member

    I have some experience in this whole de ivf thing so I'll try to help. First of all I want to say that I'm sorry about your failed IVF. I understand your confusion. This is so hard when you face infertility and nothing helps. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19 yo. I've been in treatments for years and zero result. I was lost. I didn't know what else to do to make all work. I was looking at my friends who were getting pregnant and gave births. I was constantly asking myself "Why me? Why nothing works?" I've tried so hard. Each time I believed with my whole heart and soul that "this treatment will help for sure". And each failure was breaking me down completely. To be honest sometimes I have thoughts to stop fighting and accept childless life.

    Now I'm happy I didn't give up and continue to go for my dream. I'm the happiest mother in the whole world now. I've already shared some thoughts in the other threads. But I want to add that you will forget all your doubts as soon as you know you're pregnant! You'll love your child! You won't feel child's not yours because it will be your child! You will carry your baby, you will spend 9 months talking and singing to your baby, you will give birth. And as it was said in the research - mothers who use donor eggs DO pass their DNA to their children! Even though I didn't hear about it before my ivf I still know the baby is mine and I'm the one and only mother of my baby. We used anonymous egg donor so it'll be impossible for our child to find our donor. We are still thinking if we tell our baby about egg donor. Anyway we have time to decide. The most important is to find correct words to explain your child this truth. There is a lot of info in the internet. It won't be so difficult to find the right words. IVF with donor egg is not a crime or something negative to hate. It's a way of infertility treatment. I'm sure your child won't hate you for this! I hope I helped a bit. I'll be waiting for your updates! Wish you best of luck xx

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