Advantages of the frozen embryo transfer

Discussion in 'Trying to Conceive' started by shannon, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. shannon

    shannon Member

    Hello everybody. I want to share some advantages of the frozen embryo transfer. I hope it will help you all.
    Notwithstanding the lower cost, advantages to a FET cycle include.

    1. Less Medication

    Rather than incitement prescription, patients utilize estrogen and progesterone to thicken the coating of their uterus in planning for the developing life exchange to permit implantation. Since the incitement stage was done in an earlier cycle, there is likewise no egg recovery requiring anesthesia.

    2. Less Stress

    FET cycles are regularly less upsetting than crisp cycles since factors like incitement reaction, egg advancement, and developing life development were considered amid the new cycle. Shady Grove Fertility just stops superb blastocyst-arrange developing lives giving patients a huge shot of achievement with a FET cycle.

    3. Cycles are likewise more unsurprising with less cycle cancelations. Patients may choose the day of their move a very long time ahead of time, which will then be utilized to decide their cycle start date.

    Thanks for your time. I hope it will help you all. Stay happy.
  2. Gracie Brooks

    Gracie Brooks New Member

    There are some advantages of frozen embryo transfer: it is less costly than fresh cycles, easier, reduce risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, allow for genetic testing and FET has excellent success rate.
  3. Fiercequeen

    Fiercequeen Moderator

    FET is something revolutionary.. More and more people are turning to it. This has been a great post dear. It has helped me a lot. Thank you for sharing this with us. It gave me a lot of information about the subject. I have always been intrigued by FET. However until now I have lacked the info! Now I know way more about it than before. Please make some more posts like this. You have helped a lot of us. I hope others think the same way. god bless you dear. As I said, would love to see more. Take your time until the next post... WIsh you happiness.

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